Sunday, November 21, 2010


ABC of WCF is “Address, Binding and Contract”. Address part specify where the service is available. Binding part specify which protocol and encoding method, service is using. And Contract specify which message format, service is expected from the client.

WCF supports many types of addresses to host/consume WCF service like HTTP, HTTPS, Net TCP, Net MSMQ etc... Address gives information where client needs to send message.


WCF supports following in-build binding:

1. basicHttpBinding
2. wsHttpBinding
3. wsDualHttpBinding
4. wsFederationHttpBinding
5. netTcpBinding
6. netNamedPipeBinding
7. netMSMQBinding
8. netPeerTcpBinding
9. webHttpBinding
10. msmqIntegrationBinding

Binding gives information about the protocol and encoding method to send the message.

Contract expose functionality to client. Contract have message signature so client can send the message to service via consuming service contract.

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